Reading this article brought back an eternal belief, that has been on my mind since my MTV years, back when i managed their online business for Spain and Portugal.
The article [read here] begins by using the Super Bowl as the example of such a comparison and says TV is still the preferred mass media channel for content.
Big numbers but the comparison cannot be made on trying to replicate TV media model with the new reality the digital world brings us. TV is just another channel – so happens to be the less richer of content experiences…and the oldest one – hence the one most people have access to around the world.
Game of thrones
The most pirated content in history with up to 1M downloads in the last few episodes.
In three seasons we’ve had 30 episodes. If each would have a central global platform where everyone could watch at the same [premiere] time, in exchange for one dollar you’d have about 15 Million USD just for the US market. This would be a user-centric approach, as flexible as any internet user, and with HD quality over any connected device.
That’s almost half a Billion USD so far, just for streaming (over the TV, tablet, smartphones) and just in the US.

Now imagine the web working its wonders over social media, content clips and engagement that would originate around the brand’s official websites, social profiles and other digital experiences – my fantasy goes as far as a service called showify (spotify for shows).
You can even have the best performing mobile monetisation model – freemium.
Think Spongebob squarepants merchandising and Dora – both Viacom brands.
The amount of business generated offline works in combination with the TV content. Imagine the potential of mixing the two worlds and how much more revenue and reach you’d get in doing this…
How many different (consumer) products can you come up with?
Sports broadcast
Football clubs are becoming smarter, and SL Benfica in portugal has already begun the disruption, creating a 10’s of Million euro revenue stream that gives them a direct touchpoint to their fans and followers.
Instead of multiple agreements, where user experience is usually the last thing on companies’ minds, you get to watch the football matches anywhere, in any device for 10 USD per month.
The fear of being the disruptors of their own industry has dictated the fate of the music industry. If you don’t begin thinking outside of the [square] box, you won’t have a box anymore, and then it will be too late for high budget productions of such spectacle and quality!
Thank you Netflix and Kevin Spacey! Go media industry! Interestingly, the my previous blog post speaks about transformation, but in online media, through the [smart] use of data.