One of the big hypes at mwc this year is privacy and the blackphone is making its bang with its PrivatOS – a security-oriented Android build in techcrunch article.
Remember how blackberry stormed the corporate mobile handset market with their secure e-mail? It always seems to be hardware before software, but the truth is there is always a smarter way of doing it – especially with the speed at which technology is evolving (memory, processing capacity, data, AI).
Funnily enough, yesterday there was a second announcement from BOEING: they’re launching a self-destruct smartphone with call encryption. Nice side-step reenforcing the importance of security in communications nowadays.
The question is clear: when are we getting an app that allows us to browse, text and speak anonymously? Are proxy services coming back? Is this another opportunity for the wide-spread subscriptions in China to go worldwide?
Sounds like privacy is becoming a definitive deal-breaker for consumer choices, so TELCO, digital and enterprise companies should all try and keep up – maybe there’s even time to anticipate the widespread trend…
Do you know about any initiatives working on this area at all?