Hugo PintoDec 29, 20165 min read12 insights to accelerate the impact of corporate innovationInnovation is the hype word of the last decade, ever since companies realised Moore’s law and technology doesn’t just affect IT, they...
Hugo PintoAug 14, 20144 min readCrowdsourcing is the best product of the social, mobile, cloud and data revolutionsAlmost any one user of the World Wide Web has used social media at some point. Around 80% of all Internet users visit a social media...
Hugo PintoJul 15, 20143 min readThe 3 key transformations Microsoft and all large corporates must initiate to thrive in the user-cenMicrosoft’s new leader is making a stand, and the 3.100 word e-mail he shared publicly on microsoft’s website is the alarm bell to all...
Hugo PintoJul 9, 20145 min readSocial business will soon be just business – but it will still change everythingSystems and people are the two most important pieces of a business, but there is a third piece that brings these two together – culture –...
Hugo PintoMar 21, 20143 min readPersonal Data: Are we imposing the transformation on the consumers instead of taking it in ourselvesThe User-centric economy is here. Businesses change and adapt to consumers’ new needs and expectations. Computational capacity has...
Hugo PintoFeb 16, 20141 min readHow big data is changing the worldExperts Alex “Sandy” Pentland, Francine Bennett and William Hoffman speak about how data is changing the way we see the world and the way...
Hugo PintoFeb 12, 20142 min readHow the stars are aligning for microsoft to become a (modern) software company!It was clear that Balmer had nothing left to give Microsoft, so the announcement of his departure didn’t come as a surprise to many in...