Hugo PintoJan 16, 20174 min readIPad pro review: just a few more updates and I’ll dump the MacBook!(This is not my drawing – but I do amazing stick figures…) After being challenged by a colleague from our Mobile Centre of Competence, I...
Hugo PintoJan 15, 20171 min readButterfly Board – my portable whiteboard!If you like conveying ideas and concepts through drawing, then this is for you! It’s been a few months now that I found this through a...
Hugo PintoAug 20, 20142 min readContent Marketing: What has the Ice Bucket Challenge done for ALS?This is a basic and crude reality of the digital age – for people to care; they have to know it exists. It’s difficult standing out in...
Hugo PintoAug 18, 20143 min readBlogs, Video & Photography: The Internet’s American DreamAfter doing some preparation a Social Media training session for a customer, I started putting together some key Internet dates, and a...
Hugo PintoJul 22, 20145 min read3 key marketing strategies for the digital age: Thought Leadership, Audience Building and PerformancThe deep transformations affecting the business models of the digital age are having a huge impact on respective marketing functions....
Hugo PintoMar 2, 20142 min readLike music, the movie industry still hasn’t learned: the #oscars2014The Oscars are the pinnacle of cinema, and a huge point of conversion for a lot of generations. Each generation has their preferred touch...